NHS Services

In addition to GP consultations the Practice offers a comprehensive range of healthcare services and specialist clinics:

  1. Adult Immunisations – are your vaccinations up to date? If not, make an appointment to see one of our Practice Nurses to have your routine vaccinations.
  2. Adult Vaccines available on the NHS.
  3. Ante-natal Care – the Doctors work closely with the midwives to deliver your ante-natal care. Please arrange an appointment with your Doctor if you are pregnant.
  4. Child Health Surveillance 6 – 8 week developmental review. Please book an appointment with the GP. These are undertaken by the GP.
  5. Childhood immunisations – Appointments reminders for your child’s immunisations will be sent to you direct from the child health team. It is important that you attend for these appointments as the vaccinations need to be given at specific times in your child’s development (8, 12, and 16 weeks, 12 months and 3 ½ years old). Please call and book an appointment with the nurse when you get the notification from the child health team or when your child reaches 8, 12, and 16 weeks, 12 months and 3 ½ years old.
  6. Contraception and Sexual Health – We offer contraceptive advice and prescribe the contractive pill, morning after pill and give the contraception depot injection’s. Please book an appointment with a GP if you require any of these. You can also attend your local pharmacy for the morning after pill. For contraceptive implants and coils patients can self-refer to ‘Umbrella’ on 0121 237 5700 which provides these services free of charge. Umbrella Health
  7. Chronic Disease Reviews – These include condition such as diabetes, asthma, COPD and hypertension. They are manged by the whole practice team and you will be invited for reviews at least annually with the GP and / or practice nurse, depending on your condition and how well controlled it is.
  8. Holiday/ Routine Vaccinations – are your tetanus and polio vaccinations up to date? If not, make an appointment to see the Nurse to have a booster dose. Holiday vaccinations are just as important- ask for details at reception
  9. Health Promotion – the Practice firmly believes that good health can be maintained by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Advice and encouragement are available for all our patient
  10. Travel Vaccinations – if you require any vaccinations relating to foreign travel you need to complete a travel vaccination request form and make an appointment with one of our Practice Nurses at least two months before your planned travel. This allows time to plan and complete a course of any necessary injections and sign post you to other specialist clinics.
  11. As a registered patient, you can request an NHS health check/consultation if you are a: Patient who has attained the age of 16 years but has not attained the age of 75 years not seen within 3 years; b:Patients aged 75 years and over and have not participated in a consultation within the of twelve month period prior to the date of the request.